31 oktober 2010

23 oktober 2010

100 push ups

This is an extension/modification of the program found on this site: http://hundredpushups.com/

It gives you more flexibility and the ability to customize your workout depending on your fitness and progress speed. It can be used much longer than for just a 6 week program. Interested? Keep reading.

I was in my 4th week when I realized that there is something missing in the program. I started in column 3 (level 3), but in week 3 I had to reduce to level 2 and now going to week 5, I would have to reduce to level 1. However, that is a big step down and I want to work at a level just a little below 2. I decided to make a simple statistical analysis and realized I can make a simple but useful tool. So here I give you a spreadsheet on which you just have to input the level you think you are at. For me, wanting to be a little below level 2, I would type in something like 1,7. It instantly gives you a workout programme for the whole 6 weeks. This means I can now continue my workout programme in week 5 at a level that I customized exactly for my needs. You can use it in the beginning of your program, in the middle, or even at the end in case you want to challenge yourself in a 150 push up program (or any number that you like). In this way you can keep boosting and adjusting the workout every week, for any period of time.
In addition, there is some statistical data about the pushups at the bottom of the spreadsheet.

Below you will find a download link, it is totally free. All I ask you is to make a comment or click “DA” at the end of the post (it means that you like the post).

Finally, I would like to thank the team that came up with the original workout plan and shared it on the internet!

21 oktober 2010

Dostopen netbook!


11-inch : 64GB
1.4GHz Intel Core 2 Duo processor
2GB memory
64GB flash storage1
NVIDIA GeForce 320M graphics
Ships: 1-2 business days
Free Shipping

13-inch : 256GB
1.86GHz Intel Core 2 Duo processor
2GB memory
256GB flash storage1
NVIDIA GeForce 320M graphics
Ships: 1-2 business days
Free Shipping

V bistvu je najdražji $1,799.00. Kar se notranjih konfiguracij tiče (2,13GHz in 4GB rama). Seveda če se hočeš priklopit na internet preko LANa moraš dokupiti še usb adapter, ki je 30$ itd. In tako ti ostane samo še en USB. Vendar če hočeš še sukat optične medije (in če imaš dodatnih 80$), potem v bistvu nimaš več USBjev :D

Citiram iz reklame: "affordable". No matic, kaj porečeš na to? :)

Sej je luškana zadeva, ampak dva do trikrat dražji od asusa? Najbolj mu zavidam flash disk. Čeprav s 64 GB res nimaš kaj počet. Največ na ta malem je pa 128 GB. In ne, ne da se ga menjat, ker je so čipki vgrajeni v plato.

10 oktober 2010